Helpful Links

Here are some helpful links that provide useful information you’ll need throughout the WVU Admissions Process.


The WVU Office of Admissions provides helpful information for incoming students, parents, and high school counselors. You can apply to WVU through their website, as well as find information about important deadlines throughout the admissions process.


WVU owns and operates 12 residence halls. The WVU Office of Housing and Residential Education serves to help make your residence hall experience a significant and positive contribution your college life.

B&E Center for Career Development

Every university has some kind of career center that assists with internships and placement. However, we have one within the business school specifically to help our students succeed after graduation. Currently, more than 60 Fortune 500 companies have identified the WVU College of Business and Economics as a target school for recruitment. Learn about the abundant resources they offer here:

B&E Business Learning Resource Center

This is a study and tutoring resource specifically for business students. Learn more here:

WVU Honors College

The WVU Honors College provides students with an academically different experience that enhances their education. Honors courses and co/extra-curricular activities are designed to support students as they become independent, creative and self-motivated learners who “think beyond the textbook.”

Adventure WV Orientation Trips

These trips are unique outdoor orientation options for first-year students at WVU. As an incoming freshman, the benefits include learning about the natural and cultural resources West Virginia has to offer, the opportunity to learn all about WVU as an institution and have questions answered prior to actually living on campus in the fall, and the opportunity to make friends before you ever set foot on campus. Participants will earn three credit hours upon successful completion of the program and course work. The program cost is $95, and is $0 for Pell Grant eligible students.

Tuition Calculator

Estimate your cost of attendance at WVU in a few easy steps.

Mountaineer Parents Club

The Mountaineer Parents Club is free and open to parents and family members of current, former and future WVU students. To join, just sign up online.

Student Organizations

WVU has several hundred official student organizations – there’s definitely something for you! In addition, the College of Business and Economics has a variety of student organizations for business-minded students.


The mission of WELLWVU – The Students’ Center of Health is to foster the complete well-being of our students through health care, education, promotion and related services. They provide services, promote prevention, and provide advocacy to students in all health care issues.